Personal finance manager

Elderly people

Travel Booking Platform


How might we create a personal finance manager specifically designed for elderly people that helps them plan and book their travel expenses easily?


The goal of this design challenge is to create a user-friendly personal finance manager for elderly people that focuses on travel booking. The platform should provide an easy way for users to manage their finances, track travel expenses, and book flights, accommodations, and activities. The design should prioritize simplicity, accessibility, and clear communication to ensure elderly users can confidently navigate the platform and make informed financial decisions for their travel plans.

Target user group

The target user group for this design challenge is elderly people who are interested in traveling. These individuals may have limited experience with technology and may require additional assistance or simplified interfaces to confidently use online platforms. They may have specific financial considerations, such as fixed incomes or budget limitations, when planning and booking their travel. It's important to keep in mind their potential physical limitations, such as reduced visual acuity or impaired mobility, and ensure the design accommodates their needs.

Consider these

  • User can easily input and track travel expenses
  • Platform provides clear and concise information on flights, accommodations, and activities
  • Booking process is simplified and easy to understand
  • Design accommodates elderly users' needs and limitations
  • Platform promotes financial responsibility and helps users stay within their budget
  • Research questions

  • What are the main challenges elderly people face when planning and booking travel?
  • What are the specific financial considerations elderly people have when it comes to travel?
  • What user interface elements and design choices can improve accessibility for elderly users?
  • How can we simplify the financial management process for elderly users?
  • What features or information would help elderly users make informed decisions about their travel expenses?
  • Research methods

  • User interviews
  • User surveys
  • Usability testing
  • Prototype testing
  • Expert evaluation
  • Sample content

      "categories": [
      "expenses": [
          "category": "Flights",
          "amount": 500,
          "date": "2023-06-15"
          "category": "Accommodations",
          "amount": 800,
          "date": "2023-06-18"
          "category": "Activities",
          "amount": 200,
          "date": "2023-06-20"
      "budget": 2000
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